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The time has come once again where big yellow, moving rectangles transport us to the dreaded building filled with pencils, whiteboards, lockers, and questionable cafeteria food.

SCHOOL is back in session! Who would of that summer would pass by so quickly?!

We hope that the transition was not too unbearable as many counties started school this week.

Below we have some tips and life hacks to make this the most stress-free, successful school year you have ever had!

  • After writing a paper, copy and paste it to Google Translate, and listen to it to find mistakes.
  • Studying hard for 30-50 minutes at a time with 10 minute breaks in between is the most effective way to study.
  • Writing something out is equivalent to reading something 7 times!
  • Study your notes within one day of taking them! Retention rates are 60% higher then!
  • Draw out important material to help you remember it better! graphing directions



  • Stay organized! Don’t just stuff papers in your locker/book bag. It will decrease the stress of having to search for certain papers and you will know where everything is.
  •  Duolingo_logoLearning a foreign language? Download Duolingo on iPhone, Android, or their Website. Our Social Media and Marketing Problem Solver uses this herself and highly recommends it! J’adore!
  • Use the syllabi to your advantage! Gather up all the important dates, put them on an excel sheet and BOOM! — you have an assignment schedule!
  • Take better notes by pretending they are for someone else.
  • Get enough sleep every night!