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Why Employee Benefits Benchmarks Matter

It’s a competitive world. In today’s marketplace, you must offer more than a good salary to attract the employees you want on your team. That’s where employee benefit benchmarks come in.

What is an Employee Benefit Benchmark?

A “benchmark” is defined by the Oxford Dictionary as:

“A standard or point of reference against which things may be compared or assessed.”

In employee benefits, a benchmark refers to comparing your business’s benefits packages with your competition and the industry at large. There is not one set measurement per industry but a host of metrics that, together, paint a picture of the companies that provide the most competitive benefits. 

Internal Benchmarking

Your company already offers group benefits. Do you know which ones employees appreciate the most? Do you have data on which benefits are most appreciated by your team and which benefits are less popular? This information can help you make the right choices and establish the best group benefits. 

External Benchmarking

External benchmarking requires evaluating the benefits offered by other companies in your industry. What types of benefits do they offer? Are they attracting the talent you’d like on your team due to the benefits packages they offer?

How Do I Determine Employee Benefit Benchmarks for My Company?

To review your existing benefits in internal benchmarking, perform staff surveys and evaluate the data regarding your employees and how they use the benefits your company provides. Staff surveys on a sizable sample of employees provide the data you need. For in-depth understanding, include questions that ask employees to elaborate on their responses. Reviewing your records to see what benefits your employees use the most is a revealing exercise. External benchmarking requires research into the benefit packages your competition offers and evaluating the standard benefits offered to employees in your specific industry. 

If I Know the Benefit Benchmarks for My Industry, How Do I Use Them?

Once you know where you stand, you can use internal benchmarks to enhance your employee benefits package. If your research shows employees use the group dental insurance most often, it can be worthwhile to enhance those benefits by choosing a better plan. If you discover that very few of your team take advantage of a free gym membership, it is probably safe to cut this benefit and invest in what your employees feel they need. Some of the most valued employee benefits include: 

  • Group life insurance
  • Group vision insurance
  • Group health insurance
  • Group disability insurance
  • Group pension insurance

External benchmarks can incentivize the best talent, as they recognize that your company values its employees. This signals that your business has a supportive culture, a vital consideration for new candidates. 

How Often Should I Assess Employee Benefit Benchmarks?

Performing one employee benchmark review is insufficient, as the data changes with time. As employee needs change, your benefits package can be updated. By operating a continuous feedback loop through your HR department, you can respond to emerging trends. Your benefits package should be reevaluated every year based on the data you learn throughout the year.

Give the Best Benefits, Get the Best Talent

Is your employee benefits package looking less appealing than the competitors? Great benefits attract the stars in the industry and can help you avoid losing your best team members. Let us help you find the group benefits insurance that fits your organization’s needs. Contact one of our local agents to review your existing benefits package and advise you regarding newer programs on the market that offer more.

What is a Loss Control Program, And Do I Need One?

A loss control program is a coordinated set of actions or practices that help locate and address potential risks for a business. The program could evaluate losses from employee theft, financial difficulties from claims or lawsuits, and other risks. A tailored loss control program reduces risk and mitigates the extent of economic losses when unexpected incidents occur. 

How Do I Know If I Need a Loss Control Program?

Most businesses can benefit from a loss control program. The first step is to review your business’s risks. You have risks unique to your enterprise, along with a range of standard risks. Some common potential losses that many companies share include:

  • Product theft
  • Damaged inventory
  • Workplace injuries
  • Property damage
  • Online security threats
  • Client claims

Developing a Plan

Set clear targets to reduce the risk of potential loss in each area. Speaking to a business insurance agent at our firm can help. We can help walk you through your business insurance options and what policies offer. Your loss control program should list the actions to take, deadlines for completion, and the individual responsible. Vague or unclear targets rarely get completed—be specific.

Most businesses find that having a safety manual for employees is a practical part of a loss prevention program. Educating your staff makes them more likely to respond to emergencies correctly and confidently.

Getting Your Plan into Action

Take the targets from your planning papers to the physical universe. Have the assigned executives complete their tasks such as:

  • Employee safety manual: Have the safety manual written, printed, distributed, and read by all employees. 
  • Security cameras: Get cameras installed if needed, and place clear signage about video surveillance as a deterrent. 
  • Anti-theft tags: If you work in retail, implement RFID tags. 
  • Inventory monitoring: Perform regular inventory reviews to ensure your products are safe from employee theft.
  • First aid stations: Be prepared in case of an accident. Purchase a quality first aid kit, or several if you have larger premises. Place first aid kits in easily accessible locations. Ensure your employees are informed where first aid supplies are available should an unexpected injury accident occur.

Monitoring Your Results

Without feedback, ensuring your efforts are working is challenging. Close the loop by asking staff and customers to share their thoughts. Do they feel more secure? Do they understand what actions to take to help avoid unnecessary risks? Regular safety training ensures your employees know what to do in case of fire, an injury, or any incident requiring immediate intervention.

Improve Your Loss Control Program

A loss control program will be outdated over time. As your business expands and changes, so do its needs. Business insurance covers many aspects of your business and can act as a safety net, ensuring your business can flourish. Some insurance providers may reward company owners who have implemented a loss control program by offering lower premiums. 

Business Insurance Gives Peace of Mind

Loss control programs can go a long way to keeping your products, clients, and personnel safe from harm, but they can also protect your enterprise from unexpected financial losses. Speak with one of our business insurance agents today to have your current policy reviewed and learn if new options on the market could better serve your operation. You have worked hard to build your business; your business insurance policy safeguards against losses you can’t afford.

5 Winter Driving Mistakes That May Increase Your Premium

Yesterday was Car Insurance Day. The first of February has been set aside as the annual day to be thankful for the peace of mind your auto insurance provides—and to focus on the importance of safe driving. As we face the last several weeks of winter, it is the perfect time for an insurance policy review to check that your policy still meets your needs. Safe driving is the best strategy to keep your premiums as low as possible. 

Not Clearing All the Snow Off Your Vehicle

While you may be tempted to quickly sweep the snow off the windshield when you are in a hurry to get somewhere, failing to clear the snow from the top or front of your car can have disastrous consequences. Sudden stops, starts, or turns can result in snow from your roof sliding down and covering your front or back window or the snow on the hood of your car sliding upwards, dangerously obscuring your view.

Staying Bundled Up While Driving

Brr—it’s cold outside! You need to wear layers when you are outdoors and need to stay warm. While you need warm clothing outside, wearing mittens and a thick coat in the driver’s seat can be a liability, reducing your ability to grip the wheel and control the car. Bulky snow boots can make it hard to feel the pedal position and wide boots can make pressing one pedal at a time difficult. Leave your bulky winter clothes in the back seat and use the car’s heating system to stay warm when driving. 

Driving Too Fast for Weather Conditions

The posted speed limit is the maximum speed under normal conditions. Remember that snow, ice, and other winter weather hazards can add minutes, if not hours, to your travel time. Always head out with time to spare. Fast driving in snowy, icy, or rainy conditions or exceeding the speed limit in winter conditions puts you and others at risk should the vehicle go out of control. If you cause a crash by driving unsafely in winter weather conditions, it signals to your policy provider that you are a higher-risk driver; your insurance premium will increase.

Following Too Closely on Slippery Roads

Tailgating and following another car too closely is always illegal. When the roads are icy, braking requires even more distance. Tailgating is more than unpleasant to your fellow drivers; it is dangerous driving behavior that can lead to a fender-bender or worse. In good weather, the rule is to leave three seconds of roadway space between you and the vehicle ahead. In winter road conditions, coming to a complete stop takes even longer. You will need five to eight seconds to stop on snowy roads and 10 to 14 seconds on ice. Adjust your driving, leaving a longer distance between your vehicle and the vehicle ahead. Stay safe and keep your insurance rates lower.

Lack of Vehicle Winter Maintenance Check

When the cold hits, it is time to get your car’s tires, brakes, and wipers checked for damage and replaced if needed. It’s much better to fix problems ahead of time than to discover them when navigating through a howling storm. Regular car maintenance can extend the life of your vehicle and improve its performance in rough weather.

Stay Safe This Winter with Car Insurance You Can Trust

No one can predict every hazard, but it pays to be prepared. Now is the time of year to review your insurance and ensure coverage. Talk with one of our agents today to see what new policies are available with better coverage at a lower cost. We are happy to review your current policy and help you have greater peace of mind, knowing you have the coverage you need.

5 Employment Policies to Consider

When company policy is clear and known, employees and employers benefit. Employees will know what to expect from management and how to deal with certain situations. Employers and management will have specific, written guidelines for guidance in situations that require discipline or the enforcement of standards. Certainty in what is considered approved or forbidden conduct can help to create a more pleasant and safe environment for all to work in. 

1. Equal Opportunity

Equal opportunity policies prevent employers from discriminating against applicants who are part of a protected class due to their race, religion, color, or other fixed characteristics. When this is included in your employee handbook, it shows that you stand for a safe and inclusive workplace that is free from harassment or discrimination. Such a policy should include:

  • A list with definitions of protected classes
  • Guidelines for hiring, training, and performance evaluations that are merit-based
  • Termination policies
  • Reporting procedures for discrimination complaints
  • Disciplinary actions for policy violations

2. Code of Conduct

Having an established code of conduct can clearly define what is and is not acceptable behavior. Your code should include the company’s core values, guidelines for interacting with colleagues, customers, and stakeholders, legal requirements, proper use of company assets, confidentiality requirements, and potential disciplinary actions for violations. 

3. Time Off Policy

A clearly defined paid time off (PTO) policy provides clear benefits and boundaries for new hires and seasoned personnel. Include whether you provide paid time off or follow the traditional system of categorizing sick days and paid vacation.

4. Group Benefits

A group insurance plan can offer tax savings for the business and provide an additional incentive for employee loyalty and job satisfaction. Keeping your staff informed of what the group policy covers can explain what they gain through continued employment. The benefits you offer include health insurance, dental, vision, life insurance, and disability insurance.

5. Remote Work Policy

Following the COVID-19 pandemic, many companies have switched to partial or fully remote workforces. New hires may never visit the office in some cases. If this sounds like your company, consider including a remote work policy for your out-of-office or hybrid employees. Things to cover in a remote work policy include:

  • Time-tracking processes
  • Who is eligible to work remotely
  • Data security regulations
  • Legal considerations
  • Communication expectations when out-of-office
  • Consequences for policy violations

Do What Works for You

You know your business better than anyone. The above suggestions can help to create a comprehensive policy; ultimately, you will have to determine what works for you by following a straightforward process:

  1. Identify your company’s needs.
  2. Formulate solutions to address them.
  3. Draw up new policies to put these solutions into action.
  4. Review the policies with your executive team and edit as needed.
  5. Publish the finalized policy and distribute it to all concerned. 

Make Your Business Policy Stand Out with Group Benefits

Good company policy sets a strong foundation for employee-management relations. Including a robust offering of group insurance benefits places your business a cut above the competition. Talk to one of our business insurance agents today to discuss how to add group benefits to your company policy.

What You Should Know About E-commerce Business Insurance

A brick-and-mortar establishment comes with known risks, but e-commerce has specific liabilities. Some are shared with traditional stores, but others are unique to online businesses. Business insurance tailored to meet the needs of your online operations can make all the difference when you face unexpected losses. 

What is Covered in E-Commerce Business Insurance?

E-commerce business insurance policies include: 

  • General liability insurance
  • Commercial property insurance
  • Commercial auto insurance
  • Worker’s compensation insurance
  • Business income insurance

What Types of Businesses Need E-Commerce Insurance:

Any merchant activity, selling services, products, or digital wares, will benefit from enrolling in an e-commerce insurance plan. 

  • Online retail: Whether you are selling pajamas or personalized jewelry, interruptions in your supply chain, shipping delays, and employee injuries can cause financial setbacks that endanger your company’s survival.
  • Traditional retail with an online component: If you allow store or curb-side pick-up for online orders or operate a whole range of online-only merchandise in addition to the offerings at your physical location, you face the combined liabilities of commercial property and digital ransomware or data breaches. 
  • Virtual marketplace sellers: If you sell your art, crafts, or services on platforms like Etsy, eBay, Airbnb, or Fiverr as a source of income, it’s worth covering your losses. If there are any claims about your products or quality, you can resolve the issue and move on rather than facing costs that can be a killing blow. 
  • Online rideshare work: You are considered an independent contractor when you drive for Uber or Lyft. This type of work does not fall under traditional e-commerce and may need a specialized plan focused on commercial auto insurance. Your auto insurance should be customized to cover any damages not covered by the rideshare company. 

What Happens If I Don’t Get E-Commerce Business Insurance?

When you experience what can happen without insurance, it becomes evident that proper coverage is a necessity, not a “nice to have.” Some examples of potential liabilities that will have you paying out of pocket include:

  • Employee injuries: If your employee climbs a ladder to access items from a top shelf but falls and breaks their ankle, you could have to pay their medical bills out of pocket if you are not covered. 
  • Customer lawsuit: This is particularly relevant for companies selling food, cosmetics, or medical items. If a customer claims your product made them sick, no coverage can put you in danger of a long and expensive court process. 
  • Damaged inventory: If your stock is ruined by flood or fire, you may face delays, refunds, and a wave of customer complaints. E-commerce insurance can cover your losses. 
  • Stolen information: Hackers could access your customer database and sell it to bad actors. This is embarrassing and can also result in significant issues with customer service. 
  • Car accidents: Your delivery vehicle, which may also be your personal property or that of an employee, could experience unexpected damage on the road. Personal auto insurance will likely not cover the losses the vehicle is used for regular transport and delivery runs. 

Protect Your E-Commerce Business with the Correct Coverage

Give yourself peace of mind for the year ahead. E-commerce is an evolving field; ensure your safety net expands with your enterprise. Please meet with one of our e-commerce business insurance agents about acquiring or updating your current coverage today. 

How to Prepare Your Home for Winter Storms

During the winter months, the weather can get pretty grim. Freezing icy conditions, blizzards, torrential rain, and wind events can test any structure, including your home. The best policy is to be prepared for the worst and hope for the best. Here are some ways you can protect your home from the damage of winter storms this year. 

Indoor Checks and Safety Measures 

Heating System

No one wants to be stranded at home with no heat during a storm. Before the heavy cold sets in, check that all the parts of your system, including filters, wood heating systems, boilers, furnaces, and pipes, are in good condition. Keep your heating at 65 degrees, even when out of the house, to help protect against frozen pipes.

Pipe Insulation

Not all pipes are within the walls. Check the attic or basement for any exposed pipes and get them insulated. If you want to do it yourself, you can find pre-slit foam pipe insulators online or at your local home improvement store. Just read up on how to apply them so you don’t leave gaps. 

Water Main

When was the last time you located your water main? If you can’t remember, it’s been too long. Ensure you know its location and how to turn it on and off. If you have any trouble with frozen or burst pipes during the winter, you can stop the main flow of H2O to prevent your emergency from becoming a disaster. 

Faucet Control

Moving water is less likely to freeze than standing water. When the temperature plunges, turn your hot and cold faucets to have a slow, steady drip, particularly those furthest from the water supply, to reduce the risk of frozen pipes in cold weather. 

Emergency Supplies

If you are snowed in and can’t go out. Make sure your safety reserves and emergency kit are well stocked. Essential things you need include:

  • Water
  • Non-perishable food
  • First-aid kit
  • Warm blankets and clothes
  • Flashlights
  • Cell phone charger backups

Outdoor Concerns 

Cracks and Gaps

Walk around your property and note any places you may lose heating. Small cracks and gaps around windows or your garage door may not expose you to grave danger during a storm, but they could add up to considerable savings on energy costs when addressed.


Clean leaves and debris from your gutters. When the storms hit, you don’t want a build-up of water freezing, leading to ice and damage to your roof and home. If you spot icicles, it is a sign that there could be a problem. It is vital to repair any issues to avoid risking severe damage to your home’s structure.


Keep your sidewalks shoveled and clear of snow and ice. You don’t want visitors to your home to slip and be forced to file a claim against your personal liability policy. 


It is time to invest in repairs if you have structural issues with your roof or any leaks. Repairs can be managed on cold days without too much snow. A collapsed roof from heavy, wet snow can be a disaster and impossible to resolve in a howling storm. 

Air Quality Control

Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Your household smoke and carbon monoxide detectors should be tested at least once per year. As carbon monoxide poisoning occurs most often during winter, now is the time to check your alarm and replace the batteries. Also, verify the “replace by” date on the back of your device and get it changed out if it is overdue, which should occur about every five to seven years. 

Engine Check

While your car isn’t a part of your home, it is wise to think ahead and ensure the engine, oil, and belts are in good condition and can handle the challenges of the winter months. Remember, gas engines running in an enclosed space release carbon monoxide, a deadly odorless gas. Thousands of deaths are caused by unintentional carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning in the U.S. annually. Always run your car engine and any gas-powered generators outside the house or garage and away from ventilation systems leading indoors. When engines are on inside the garage, even if the doors are open, enough CO can build up and cause serious or deadly consequences.

Stay Safe and Secure with Compatible Coverage 

By taking precautions, you can prevent the worst of any storm damage. Not everything can be predicted and prevented, so make sure your homeowner’s insurance is in good shape. Our agents can help answer any questions on whether your current policy includes structural, personal property, and specific peril coverage and how to fill the gaps as needed. Contact us for an interview today.

Making Your PTO Holiday Program Inclusive in 2025

The U.S. government recognizes a list of holidays on its federal calendar. As our workforce, and the many ethnic and religious groups they represent, is far more diverse, the government calendar is not always consistent with each employee’s needs. To increase the inclusiveness of your Paid Time Off (PTO) program this year, consider a more open-minded approach to celebrated days in 2025. 

Creating a Balance: Federal and Personal Holidays

Most staff enjoy celebrating New Year’s Day, and U.S. citizens may enjoy the 4th of July weekend, but not everyone celebrates Christmas and Thanksgiving. Other holidays during the winter season include Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and the Lunar New Year, to name a few, all of which fall on different dates that don’t coincide with federally mandated holidays. 

Allowing employees to take time off for their religious holidays, anniversaries, and celebrations fosters an improved work-life balance and worker satisfaction. 

How Does PTO Work?

PTO is a group benefit that makes taking days away from work more inclusive. Instead of enforcing a holiday generally perceived as relating to one religious group, it allows staff to choose an alternative day with plenty of advance notice to plan for coverage. PTO groups previously separated categories of paid vacation, personal days, and sick days into one umbrella category to be more easily calculated by your HR department. PTO is primarily earned through work days on the job. For example, one works for one month and earns 1.5 PTO days. By the end of the year, they would have earned 18 days off.

PTO is often considered a “no questions asked” option, making it possible for employees to take the time to handle unexpected life or family situations without reporting being ill or giving a reason for their absence. Whatever the personal reason, the time is deducted from their overall PTO. This system has also been found to reduce the number of sick days employees take, as they prefer to use their PTO for vacation time.

Types of PTO

PTO is an all-inclusive system. Some types of time off that fall into this category include:

  • Vacation time
  • Sick days
  • Personal days
  • Parental leave
  • Bereavement leaves
  • Paid holidays
  • National holidays

Great Benefits Help Attract Higher Caliber Staff

By demonstrating your company’s commitment to employee well-being, your PTO program can help attract higher-caliber staff that expect more from their place of work. Increased job satisfaction and higher retention rates are two more reasons that adding PTO to your group benefits package is a good idea. When hiring and onboarding new staff, ensure your personnel director includes information about your PTO and group benefits plans in their welcome briefing. 

Curious About More Group Benefits? 

Our agents have you covered. If you are looking for new ways to increase the value of commitment in your employees’ eyes, consider discussing your group insurance plan with us. New hires want to know about their healthcare, well-being, and retirement package benefits. Let us help you sound like an expert and make it possible to deliver excellent benefits at a reasonable cost to you.

Navigating Cyber Insurance in 2025

With the New Year comes new possibilities. If your work includes online operations, e-commerce, or website hosting, it also comes with new dangers. Hackers have new skills, and the race to keep online security ahead of the ever-changing curve is of great concern. In 2025, cyber insurance will be a necessity like never before.

Cyber Insurance: What It Is and Why It Matters

Cyber insurance is a type of business insurance that protects against financial losses associated with cyberattacks and risks related to the company’s online activities. Due to the frequency and severity of online criminal activity, such as breaches and ransomware, cyber insurance has become crucial for any business with an online presence. While cyber insurance used to be a simple sign-up process, insurance companies are becoming increasingly wary of losses and have imposed new requirements for those applying for coverage. 

Top Tips for Purchasing Cyber Insurance

Understand Your Risks

Before you talk to one of our cyber insurance agents, thoroughly review your organization’s operations to identify any potential risks. Your evaluation should include the protections for online sales, customer databases, confidential data storage, or patent-protected applications. 

Study Your Options

Shop for the best policy. Have your agent help you review all the options that will best protect your enterprise if you have a breach.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask Questions

Ask as many questions as needed to know which policy is best for you. Taking the time to sift through all the details can make a difference.

What Does My Business Need to Qualify for Cyber Insurance?

Ten years ago, applying for cyber insurance was as easy as filling in your company’s name, number of employees, revenue, and whether or not you had a website. Today, you have more requirements, and you must show that your operation has fairly robust online security to qualify for cyber insurance as part of your business insurance coverage. 

  • Password protection: Multi-factor authentication (MFA) makes accessing sensitive data more difficult by requiring users to prove their identity using multiple factors. 
  • Offline data backups: To recover from data being stolen or wiped out, backups that are “air-gapped” and not physically connected to the computer network are necessary.
  • Proactive vulnerability management: Online safety requires constant vigilance. Vulnerability management consists of conducting regular scans of your digital presence to locate and mitigate potential weaknesses that bad actors could exploit. 
  • Real-time detection and response: Having an assigned cyber security employee or contractor responsible for responding to emerging cyber threats in real time helps to mitigate potential risks.
  • Security awareness training: Hackers can use the vulnerabilities of human staff to trick unwitting employees into giving away passwords or confirming confidential information. A vigorous security awareness training program keeps staff on their toes and vigilant against threats. 

Protect Your Business with Cyber Insurance Coverage

Cyber insurance can help you recover quickly from losses sustained by downtime, business interruption, data restoration, and the reputational damage caused by a data breach. Our agents are available and ready to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have regarding a new cyber policy or your eligibility for coverage. 

New Year’s Resolutions for Policy Holders

The New Year is traditionally the time we make decisions about the future. Most New Year’s resolutions focus on personal health or family and business goals. Don’t forget to include greater peace of mind and security for yourself and those you love as part of your New Year’s list. By reviewing your policy coverage and making the necessary changes based on your other annual targets, you will be well on your way to having a happier and more secure New Year. 

Three Steps to Start Your New Year’s Insurance Policy Review

Changes are ahead, but are your personal insurance policies up-to-date? When you sit down to write out your New Year’s resolutions, be sure your policy matches your current situation by doing the following:

  • Review your coverage: If you have not recently reviewed your insurance policies, it is time to look at what is covered and at what value. 
  • Note needed changes: As time passes, life comes with changes. It may be time to get more coverage, new coverage, a better deal, or another change that would benefit you. 
  • Fill in the gaps: Contact one of our local insurance agents to help you understand the fine print on your existing insurance and discuss new options.

Do My New Year’s Resolutions Affect My Insurance Coverage?

Yes. Every life change is also an opportunity to ensure insurance protects you against avoidable losses. Here are some big decisions that may be on your list this year that will affect your coverage. 

  • Improving your health: If you’re embarking on a major weight loss journey, the good news is that this could lower your risk rating and policy premium. Some health insurance also offers coverage for weight loss programs; ask your agent if you are unsure about yours. 
  • Saving money: Some life insurance policies provide a cash value component that acts as a savings cushion that can be used in times of need. 
  • Taking a road trip: Many choose to engage in this adventure, but it is always better when carried out with a reliable safety net of personal and auto insurance that covers any potential mishaps along the way. 
  • Getting married: If you are looking forward to getting married in the next 12 months, be sure that you are ready to expand your coverage to include your spouse. 
  • Growing your family: Children bring so much life and joy and many future responsibilities. Ensure your coverage is expanded to include considerations for your child’s future education. Our agents can also help you set up a life insurance policy for your child that will grow with them. 
  • Buying a home: If you are taking the big step towards home ownership in 2025, congratulations! Home insurance can ensure that your home is protected from fires, floods, earthquakes, and other risks. Our agents can walk you through everything you need to know.
  • Remodeling an existing home: If you’re considering adding an extension or renovating your kitchen, your property’s inherent value will increase, and your policy will need to be adjusted appropriately. 

Make Your New Year’s Resolutions a Big Success with Proper Coverage 

As you set out to make your New Year a successful one, don’t forget one of your resolutions should be peace of mind for you and those you love. Following these guidelines and talking with one of our agents about any gaps and changes in your coverage for 2025 will help set you up for a truly happy and safe New Year. 

New Year’s Resolutions to Help Improve the Workplace

The New Year is just around the corner. It is time to make some resolutions, not just for yourself, but to improve employee well-being, production, and loyalty. Take advantage of the New Year to make changes to help you have the best year ever in 2025.

Foster Open Communication

Ensure your work teams feel welcome to communicate. Arrange regular times, whether at staff meetings or departmental briefings, where employees can share input. Create a feedback channel so that internal issues are heard and resolved. 

Prioritize Employee Well-Being

Invest in your staff’s wellness with a group benefits plan that is right for them and your business. Once you decide on a policy, share the news. Investing in a custom group benefits plan shows you care about employees, value them, and encourage employee retention. 

Set Goals and Celebrate Milestones

There is nothing like pulling off a big win—as a team. Ensure all employees are informed of the weekly, monthly, and yearly targets and get involved. When a goal is achieved, celebrate the milestones! Show your appreciation with special events, such as a catered lunch, tickets to a sporting event, or that evergreen employee favorite: bonus checks.

Invest In Professional Development

It is well-known that human capital is one of your greatest assets. Consider investing in your staff this year to enhance that value. Offer training programs, workshops, mentorship opportunities, or continuing education credits for the people in your firm. As their skills and proficiency grow, your business will see the results on the bottom line.

Streamline Work Processes and Reduce Bottlenecks

You may have some areas of your business where work always seems to pile up. Take a step back to review these areas. It may need more staff, changes in management, or a fresh approach to resolve these issues. Your employees who likely feel stressed and overloaded will thank you. 

Make Good Decisions and Benefit All Year

Even if you have only one New Year’s resolution, it can make a positive change. You know your business and employees better than anyone. It’s easy to see that investing in both with a group benefits policy can help you increase retention and employee satisfaction, thereby improving your overall production and profit. Is it time to upgrade the group benefits you offer your employees? Reach out to discuss how your benefits packages can be customized to your business needs. Our helpful agents can spend all the time you need to create a benefits package that suits your budget and attracts the employees you want on your team.