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GA Police Let a Man Drive Away with a 0.126 Blood Alcohol Level

North Fulton County Auto Insurance Presents:  GA Police Let a Man Drive Away with a 0.126 Blood Alcohol Level Our Auto Insurance experts would assume--like most Georgia residents-- that any person pulled over by Georgia police with a blood alcohol level of 0.126 would be arrested. However, Mariano Saynez-Ruiz-Duran was pulled over last Friday with a 0.126 alcohol level, well above the legal limit of 0.08, and legally drove...

60% Admit to Drowsy Driving

The National Sleep Foundation’s 2005 Sleep in America poll suggested that sixty percent of adult drivers (about 168 million adults) admit to driving a vehicle while feeling drowsy in the past year. Being drowsy doesn't seem like a big deal to most people, but driving when you're feeling the need for a power-nap could easily result in a car wreck. Here's Why: More than one-third of...

Are you a cellphone junkie?

If you had to pick three things to take with you on an abandoned island, would your cell phone be one of them? If you’re like our smartphone-friendly Georgia Insurance problem solvers, the answer is “Of course!” Pew Research recently conducted a study to determine just how addicted Americans are to their cellphones. Not surprisingly, the study revealed that 29% of cellphone handlers say they can’t live without them. Only 12%...

Big Trend: Improved Vehicle Technology!

Defensive driving is something Atlanta drivers have to master in order to get from point A to point B safely. Many times, drivers carelessly swerve into right or left lanes without checking the drivers-ED-emphasized- but-often-ignored…. BLIND SPOT! According to AAA’s Newsroom, the largest trend in new vehicle technology this year is focused on improving safety, improving performance and reducing environment impact. “Technologies are like anti-lock braking and...

Severe Sun Damage from the Driver's Side Window!

  This man’s face paints a compelling picture for sun-gods/goddesses everywhere! Truck driver Bill McElligott has unilateral dermatoheliosis, according to The New England Journal of Medicine. This means that UV rays have transmitted through the window of his delivery truck and severly damaged the skin on the left side of his face during his 28-year career. As you can see, the left side of McElligott’s...