When you need home and auto insurance, choose independent agents like us, and rest assured that we work for YOU, not the insurance company. As part of our commitment to our customers, we are constantly on top of insurance trends, new programs, and offers that will get you the absolute BEST coverage at the BEST price.
This #WinningWednesday, we highlight one of the ways we do just that.
Does your agent explore your options at renewal time? Unlike some agents, upon renewal, we dedicate time to making sure they have optimal price/coverage year in, year out.
REAL LIFE EXAMPLE: (names have been removed for privacy)
Mr. & Mrs. W-
Great News! Since your insurance is renewing soon I reviewed your account and noticed your insurance score had improved. I requested Company A to re-rate your insurance using the updated score which resulted in a reduction on your renewal from $1,147/6months to $1,005/6months. All coverages will stay the same, and Company A will send you a new renewal bill come January!
I am also going to look over the homeowners insurance with Company B, and see if we can re-write it in Company B new program. Has the roof been replaced?
If you have any further questions please let me know. Have a great week and Happy Holidays!
Heather Brogdon
Personal Insurance Problem Solver
This is the type of personalized service you get when you choose Gillman Insurance Problem Solvers. Ready to make the switch? 📲 Text us for a free quote today! 678-616-2174