Are you interested in marketing your business to thousands of online consumers every month? FOR FREE.
At [astCompanyName], your insurance professionals, we have created a new way for our commercial clients to network online and increase traffic to their businesses.
Create a page/link on the [astCompanyName] Partners page
We offer an exclusive page that will link to your website and promote your company.
Become a Preferred Vendor
As a partner, our organization will refer our clients to you; acting as a marketing arm for your company.
Promote your business on Facebook
We will tell all our Facebook friends about your business and link to your own Facebook page or website. If you don’t have a Facebook profile, we’ll help you create one.
Offer a coupon for our clients
Let our numerous policy holders do business with you as another way to promote your business. Users can print and use coupons at your locations, that way you can see the tangible benefit of how many clients we are sending.
Increase your exposure on Google, Bing, and other search engines
Adding you as a [astCompanyName] Partner will increase your rating on search engines because of “back-linking”; so the more websites that promote your website, the more the search engines can “see you.”