Have you seen a price increase in your auto premium? Here are the seven main factors to consider before hitting the road!
Technology Usage:
At any given moment across America, approx. 660,000 drivers are using cell phones or manipulating electronic devices while driving.
Distracted Driving
Every day there are 9 deaths and more than 1,000 injuries due to distracted driving – that’s over 3,000 deaths and almost 400,000 injuries per year!
Rising Medical Costs
Medical costs in the United States have risen at an average annual rate of 3.0% for the past 5 years!
Accidents Increasing
Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of teenager deaths, and in 2015, 9% of all drivers in that age group involved in fatal crashes were distracted at time of the crash.
Auto Repair Costs
The cost of fixing a vehicle has increased EVERY YEAR since 2010. Averge collision claims are almost 24% higher than they were in 2010. Average collision claims are almost 24% higher than they were in 2010.
More Cars On The Road
3.22 trillion miles were driven on the nation’s roads in 2016, up 2.8% from the year before. The more people drive, the more frequently they get into acciedents.
Severe Weather
Weather disasters like hurricanes, hail and flood end up costing billions in damages, which auto insurers cover through comprehensive insurance.
CALL US TODAY for a free auto insurance comparison! Let’s see if we can save you some cash!
(678) 297-7977