In this day and age employees want and expect to be treated well and fairly. Some CEO’s are still in the mindset that business have to be super stiff and formal. It is getting to the point in some companies that really good employees want to leave and work for competitors. Here are 5 HR rules that make employees want to run.
- Industrial Revolution-Era Attendance Policies
- If you hire someone who is capable of doing the work you need you should probably be able to trust them with their comings and goings. Tracking hours of salaried employees takes away from the point of them being salaried.
- Insulting Performance Review Processes
- A lot of the time individual performance reviews are a waste of time and insulting. Ranking can turn employees against each other and saying only a certain number can be top employees is designing mediocrity into your system. Instead goal plan, talk, and review as you go.
- Manager’s-Choice Transfer And Promotion Policies
- Making employees get manager approvals before applying to transfer is a bad idea. Managers can say no for plenty of selfish reasons and that will make the employee want to leave the company all together.
- Impenetrable Pay Structures
- If you want people to work harder and strive to be better they should be able to have the opportunity of a pay raise. Saying they can’t get more of a raise than a certain percentage will not encourage excellence.
- Too Many Policies In General
- Realistically, employees aren’t going to read really long policy handbooks. If you want their signature to mean that they actually read the information, you have to take out half of it.
Reconsidering these 5 rules would be a good idea for companies now a days. It will make employees happier and reduce the number that are leaving. That leads to less hiring and replacing, which makes business easier!
Ryan, Liz. “Five Stupid Rules That Drive Great Employees Away.” Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 22 July 2015. Web. 23 July 2015.