Are you brand new to the world of auto insurance? Did you accidentally have a lapse in coverage?
No problem!
We have markets that specialize in these type of cases.
They don’t call us the problem solvers for nothing!
Brandon came to us last year with no prior auto insurance. To get him started, we wrote him with a carrier that will accept a client with no prior insurance. Being new, the premium always ends being a bit more, but not for long. Once you have at least one year of good insurance history under your belt, you qualify to be re-rated in a more preferred market to get that premium back down where it should be.
If you have found yourself in a tough situation with an insurance lapse, it’s important to have agents like us that will not only be able to place coverage for you, but also stay on top of your policies at renewal to make sure you’re receiving the most competitive rate. Contact us today and we will get you on the right track.
This year, we are happy to announce we were able to re-quote Brandon and save him $100/month!
Brandon’s auto insurance year one: $1,597 for 6 months
Brandon’s new auto insurance quote year two: $1,872.47 for 12 months
That’s what we call a #WINNINGWEDNESDAY!