It’s that time of the year again, Daylight Savings Time this Sunday March 13th starting at 2 a.m. Believe it or not, the U.S. Department of Transportation is actually in “charge” of Daylight Savings Time here in the U.S. According to folks there, and they state that Daylight Savings Time reduces energy use, saves lives by preventing traffic, accidents and decreases crime.
Daylight Savings Time is also a time when Fire Departments remind people to make another change that could save lives, simply by replacing your batteries in your smoke alarms. Checking smoke alarm batteries at least twice a year is one of the simplest, most effective ways to reduce tragic deaths and injuries. The most commonly cited cause of non-working smoke alarms is worn or missing batteries. In fact, working smoke alarms cut in half the risk of dying in a home fire. In addition, experts recommend replacing your smoke alarms every ten years and testing smoke alarms regularly by pushing the test button.
Let’s all make this time change a safe and fun leap into Spring.