One thing every Atlanta homeowner fears is a break-in by an unwelcome visitor. We want to share this infographic breaking down “A Burglar’s Quest.” Theoretically, the better we understand a typical intruder, the better equipped we are when it comes to defense.
As you’ll see, 443,717 residencies were burglarized at night in 2010. Overall, there was a burglary every 14.6 seconds! Residential properties were 73,9% of all burglary offenses. Most burglaries occurred between 10am and 3pm, when people are away at work, school or running errands.
Take a look for more information:
Thinking of confronting a burglar in your home? Check out our blog post on the topic.
The experts are Gillman Insurance Problem Solvers seek to minimize risks for Atlanta homeowners across the board, but most specifically when it comes to our expertise in insurance. Contact Cindy Koegel for more information