“Gen Zers” refers to the Millennials born between 1990-1999. What they except from their bosses has been up for debate recently as this group enters the working world. Some people say that Gen Zers can only receive positive feedback and must work under a more hands-off approach. However, this is not necessarily the best environment.
Most importantly, Gen Zers want to be taken seriously. They want to be challenged and work hard while knowing what their work is going towards. They want credit for the hard work they do, but they also need to be told what they need to improve on. That doesn’t mean constant negativity, but constant updates on what is working well and what isn’t and what is just OK is actually very beneficial. Holding back all negative feedback or reassigning tasks can be very detrimental to a Gen Zen who needs to learn and improve on them self.
What it comes down to is that Gen Zens need strong leadership. With a mutual respect and good guidance, they can work hard and get lots of good, beneficial work completed.
Tulgan, Bruce. “What Are Gen Zers Looking For In a Boss?” The Huffington Post. TheHuffingtonPost.com, 23 June 2015. Web. 16 July 2015.