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What You Need to Shred for the Sake of your Family

Tax Season is coming, and the Gillman Insurance Problem Solver Annual Shredding event is held on April 22nd at 9:00 am. Do you know what you need to shed? many people feel uneasy about shredding certain documents but it is so important in order to keep your family and identity safe. People have a lot of questions concerning what to shred. For instance, do you need to shred...

An Apple A Day

It seems that the whole world has gone absolutely bonkers for the release of the latest iPhone 7 on September 16th (I admit I am a little excited too.) There are many questions regarding the newest edition. What's the same? What's different? Is it better? Is it more efficient? Engadget announced that the quantities for the Jet Black iPhone as well as the other models are...

RISK ALERT: Exempt Employee Threshold

Risk Retention Group (ANI), a member of the Nonprofits Insurance Alliance Group recently sent our a risk alert email about exempt employee thresholds. Read the email below... "Risk Alert: Exempt Employee Threshold Under federal and state wage and hour laws, Non-Exempt employees are required to be paid overtime and Exempt employees are not. Non-Exempt employees are typically paid by the hour for each hour worked...

7 Challenges Successful People Overcome

Everyone wants to be successful, but what is it exactly that separates successful people from everyone else? There are many factors that make the distinction, but there are a few that stand out. A big characteristic of successful people is that they see problems as obstacles to overcome, not walls they can't get past. They are optimists who strive to be better and put the effort in to...

Who Needs Hired and Non-Owned Auto Insurance?

What is Non-Owned and Hired Auto insurance? As is implied by its name, it covers bodily injury and property damage caused by a vehicle you hire or caused by non-owned vehicles. Hired vehicles refer to vehicles you rent or hire and non-owned vehicles refer to vehicles owned by others, including employees. This insurance is a very good option for business owners because they almost always...