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Who Needs Hired and Non-Owned Auto Insurance?

What is Non-Owned and Hired Auto insurance? As is implied by its name, it covers bodily injury and property damage caused by a vehicle you hire or caused by non-owned vehicles. Hired vehicles refer to vehicles you rent or hire and non-owned vehicles refer to vehicles owned by others, including employees. This insurance is a very good option for business owners because they almost always...

5 Stupid Rules That Drive Great Employees Away

In this day and age employees want and expect to be treated well and fairly. Some CEO's are still in the mindset that business have to be super stiff and formal. It is getting to the point in some companies that really good employees want to leave and work for competitors. Here are 5 HR rules that make employees want to run. Industrial Revolution-Era Attendance Policies...

Professional Liability- What Is It?

Most people think of professional liability only being applicable to doctors and lawyers for malpractice suits. However, this is not the case. Any business, no matter what type can be held liability in professional liability lawsuits. Three examples of how any regular business could be sued for professional liability are as follows: Professional Liability Suits Over Administrative Errors Even though you may have delegated tasks...

Inadequate Crime Protection

We all wish crime wasn't existent in our world, but unfortunately that is not the case. We can't help that it happens, but we can do our best to protect ourselves from it. In a business context, the best approach is to get crime protection. Unfortunately, employee dishonesty is more common than you would hope. When all different little dishonest acts add up it can...

How To Keep Your Team Motivated

Everyone has their own method of trying to motivate their employees, but not all of these first reaction motivations are actually productive. For example, when a previously very strong worker starts producing bad work the manager's reaction is to give him/her a raise. This, however, does not provide the long-term motivation the team member needs to start producing good work again. Here are three ways that can...