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How To Tell If Your Roof Needs Replacing

Roofs are one of the parts of the home that tend to cause homeowners the most headaches. How do you know if something is a simple fix or the sign of a serious problem? Many people are wary of calling in the professionals for an issue that seems small, but an unattended leak or structural issue can grow into a major threat to your home....

Big Trend: Improved Vehicle Technology!

Defensive driving is something Atlanta drivers have to master in order to get from point A to point B safely. Many times, drivers carelessly swerve into right or left lanes without checking the drivers-ED-emphasized- but-often-ignored…. BLIND SPOT! According to AAA’s Newsroom, the largest trend in new vehicle technology this year is focused on improving safety, improving performance and reducing environment impact. “Technologies are like anti-lock braking and...

Severe Sun Damage from the Driver's Side Window!

  This man’s face paints a compelling picture for sun-gods/goddesses everywhere! Truck driver Bill McElligott has unilateral dermatoheliosis, according to The New England Journal of Medicine. This means that UV rays have transmitted through the window of his delivery truck and severly damaged the skin on the left side of his face during his 28-year career. As you can see, the left side of McElligott’s...

How To Handle Being Hit While Parked

Hit and run accidents frequently occur while a vehicle is parked on the street, in a parking structure, or at the local shopping mall. Often the guilty party does not leave contact information, which leaves the vehicle owner with the problem of getting the damage repaired. To add to the burden, many people are unclear on what to do in this situation and are unsure...

Facebook Emails?

Like us on Facebook! Did you just get cozied-up to the idea of Facebook’s Timeline? Does it seem like every time you’re finally settled-in, Facebook comes up with yet another change? Well, you’re not alone! And it seems like the "if you can't beat them, join them" motto might be a good one to adapt at this point. Facebook is now pushing users to use their