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How To Handle Being Hit While Parked

Hit and run accidents frequently occur while a vehicle is parked on the street, in a parking structure, or at the local shopping mall. Often the guilty party does not leave contact information, which leaves the vehicle owner with the problem of getting the damage repaired. To add to the burden, many people are unclear on what to do in this situation and are unsure...

Facebook Emails?

Like us on Facebook! Did you just get cozied-up to the idea of Facebook’s Timeline? Does it seem like every time you’re finally settled-in, Facebook comes up with yet another change? Well, you’re not alone! And it seems like the "if you can't beat them, join them" motto might be a good one to adapt at this point. Facebook is now pushing users to use their

No Longer Hungry But Still Broke

Being broke is always assumed when you think of the word college student. But it doesn't have to be that way!!! I did my research and found someone tips on how YOU can save money while going to school. It's possible! #1 Ration Eating Out- Trust me when I say that I know how fun and tempting it is to go out with your friends to eat all the...

Is Your Home Ready For The Fall?

For homeowners, each season brings its own unique set of challenges and maintenance tasks, and prevention is always easier and less expensive than repairing something that's broken. As fall approaches, consider protecting your home by taking the time to assess and address any issues in the following areas: Insulation from the cold. As the weather gets colder, poor insulation can be both uncomfortable and expensive,...

An Apple A Day

It seems that the whole world has gone absolutely bonkers for the release of the latest iPhone 7 on September 16th (I admit I am a little excited too.) There are many questions regarding the newest edition. What's the same? What's different? Is it better? Is it more efficient? Engadget announced that the quantities for the Jet Black iPhone as well as the other models are...