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How Your Relationship Status Can Affect Your Insurance

Original Article provided by our trusted carrier, The Hartford. How Your Relationship Status Can Affect Your Insurance Your particular insurance needs depend, in part, on who you live with and your relationship to them. As such, most changes to your relationship status will warrant an insurance policy update. If you don’t update that information, your insurance company may have incomplete information about who’s sharing your home or your car, and you may...

Safe Driving In Major Cities

While driving in a major city, you are likely to encounter traffic jams, bumper-to-bumper traffic, and large numbers of pedestrians and bicyclists. The following are safe driving tips to help smooth the way and reduce your risk of an accident. Avoid Driving During Rush Hour Peak rush hour traffic typically occurs from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Stay...

Frequently Asked Fridays - If a pipe bursts in my yard, am I covered?

Many homeowner's do not realize if a pipe bursts in their yard it's their responsibility. Under homeowners insurance, any pipe damage within the home is, of course, covered. If any pipe damage happens in the street in front of your home, that is the city's responsibility. But what about the space between your curb and your home? If a pipe bursts inside your yard and...

Frequently Asked Fridays - Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Dog Bites?

We can all agree that love for our furry friends knows no bounds. But, in the event of a dog bite, whether it's between your dog and another dog or your dog and a human, you could have a lawsuit on your hands. Say what?! The good thing is: Most of what your dog does is actually covered by your homeowners insurance. This comes in...

Will Workers’ Comp Cover Employee Negligence?

Workers' compensation insurance is designed to provide benefits to injured workers and to protect employers from injury lawsuits brought by employees. It pays for medical care, partially replaces lost wages during recovery from work-related injuries, and covers vocational rehabilitation for workers when needed. Generally, workers' compensation is a no-fault system that provides benefits for workers injured on the job, regardless of who was at fault....