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Jewelry + Cruises = Ripped Off?

As summertime approaches everyone begins their vacation planning that they have been looking forward to since last summer. The usuals are a trip to Disney, the Grand Canyon, driving up to grandma's house. or one of the most sought after: cruises. What is it about boarding a gigantic boat and sailing the Caribbean for a week that sets off something in our minds that we...

Shredding Event Success!

On behalf of all the Gillman Insurance Problem Solvers, we would just like to give a big THANK YOU to all our clients and friends who came out to shred! It was such an amazing day and we could not be more grateful for our community! We had such a great time serving you all, and we can't wait to see you next year! Get...

Man's Best Friend Needs Insurance Too!

There is nothing like the bond between man and his pet. You would do anything to love them and protect them, so why not get insurance for your furry friend? Don’t learn the hard way just how expensive it can get to take care of your animal when it gets injured. Through Auto-Owner’s Insurance there is something known as Figo Pet Insurance. Here is a...

Allstate Auto Rate Increase

Allstate Auto Insurance Customers…Are you sure you’re still in good hands? Recently Allstate, the nation’s largest publicly traded auto insurer announced they will be increasing their auto insurance premiums by at least 25% (OUCH!) which will take effect May 22nd, 2016. Georgia Insurance Commissioner, Ralph Hudgens, issued a consumer alert saying “the 25 percent increase is just the average”. He warns many Allstate policyholders they...

Safeco's Agent Giving Program

  This goes out to all the non-profit organizations out there who are looking to build their community's involvement! This year Safeco is looking to donate up to $500,000 to great causes all across the nation to emphasize how important independent agents are to their communities. With Safeco's Agent Giving Program, non-profits are able to increase community awareness through two options: The Make More Happen...